Brain Teasers With Answers | Riddles - iQ Test

Brain Teasers

A problem or puzzle, typically one designed to be solved for joy.

Brain teasers are forms of puzzle that requires thought to solving problems. Here, It is required to think in unconventional ways with a positive attitude. Math Puzzles, Logic Puzzles, Counting Puzzles are also types of Brain Teasers.

1. How many triangles appear Below?

Brain Teasers With Answers

(A) 09
(B) 13
(C) 19
(D) 21

This Question is based on Common Sense. Common Sense is Very Essential to Solving Some Real Life Situations, But The facts are that Common Sense Has Not Any degree for A person.

No Rules & Regulations are Required in That type of Questions. Just look At the Question & Count Correct Solution. You May Need Some More Time For Counting Questions.

2. How many triangles are There?

Brain Teasers With Answers

(A) 24
(B) 36
(C) 44
(D) 46

This Question is based on Consciousness of mind. Sometimes Human beings go to wrong thoughts, then that type of questions help to rebuild themselves & it is very hard to reinstate ourselves in a Right way.

We give you many brain teasers riddles for artificial intelligence & knowledge.

3. How Many Rectangles?

Brain Teasers With Answers

(A) 06
(B) 12
(C) 22
(D) 36

Many Questions in The World which Required Some Mental Ability of looking Carefully for The Question & Then Discover Right Solutions. We Provides Solutions of the Question.

You Will Definitely find Some improvements in Yourselves. It is the easiest way to solve Question & remove Wrong Thoughts & Reinstate to Correct Way.

You may be forgiven for thinking there appears to be no easy way of solving Questions. So, it's your Responsibility to find Solution, which give satisfaction to both parties.

4. How Many Triangles Appear Below?

Brain Teasers With Answers

(A) 05
(B) 06
(C) 10
(D) 11

Brain teasers are puzzles or challenges designed to stimulate the brain and promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. These challenges can range from simple riddles to complex mathematical problems, and they can be a fun and engaging way to exercise the brain and improve cognitive abilities.

Benefits of Brain Teasers

Brain teasers offer a number of benefits. They can improve cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. They can also help promote creativity and encourage individuals to think outside the box.

In addition to improving cognitive abilities, brain teasers can also be a fun and engaging way to pass the time, and they can provide a sense of accomplishment when solved. They can also help reduce stress and anxiety by providing a mental break and promoting mindfulness.

Increasing Intelligence

While intelligence is largely determined by genetics, research has shown that cognitive abilities can be improved with practice. Brain teasers can help individuals develop new problem-solving strategies and increase their mental flexibility, which can improve their overall cognitive abilities.

Solving brain teasers can also improve neural plasticity, which is the brain's ability to adapt and change over time. This means that solving brain teasers can actually help improve cognitive abilities, not just measure them.

Usefulness for Students

Brain teasers can be particularly useful for students. They can help develop critical thinking skills and improve problem-solving abilities. They can also be a fun and engaging way to learn, which can help increase motivation and retention of information.

In addition to improving cognitive abilities, brain teasers can also help students prepare for standardized tests, such as the SAT or ACT. Many of the skills measured on these tests, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, are also measured in brain teasers.

Usefulness in Daily Life

Brain teasers can be useful in a variety of daily life situations. For example, they can be a fun and engaging way to pass the time during long commutes or breaks at work. They can also provide a mental break from stressful situations and promote mindfulness.

In addition, brain teasers can help improve decision-making skills by promoting critical thinking and analysis. They can also help individuals think creatively and outside the box, which can lead to new ideas and solutions in both personal and professional settings.


In conclusion, brain teasers are a fun and engaging way to exercise the brain and improve cognitive abilities. They can help increase intelligence, promote creativity, and improve problem-solving skills. Brain teasers can also be useful for students and in daily life situations, providing a mental break and promoting mindfulness.


What are brain teasers?
Brain teasers are puzzles or problems that require individuals to use their critical thinking skills to solve. They can come in many forms, including riddles, puzzles, or math problems.

What are the benefits of solving brain teasers?
Solving brain teasers can improve cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. They can also help promote creativity and encourage individuals to think outside the box. Additionally, they can be a fun and engaging way to learn and can boost self-esteem and confidence when solved.

How can brain teasers be useful for students?
Brain teasers can be particularly useful for students. They can help develop critical thinking skills and improve problem-solving abilities, both of which are essential for academic success. In addition, they can be used to teach and reinforce mathematical concepts, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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